(ANSI, New York) -- Global manufacturers are facing mounting pressure from the expansion of domestic and foreign chemical controls and regulations such as REACH, RoHS, WEEE and GHS. According to the United States Mission to the European Union, REACH alone is expected to disrupt tens of billions of dollars in U.S. trade and affect industry sectors from textiles and pharmaceuticals to electronics and automobiles.
“Action and Reaction: Developing a Sustainable Approach to Emerging Chemical Issues” will launch a collaborative initiative to address the economic and regulatory impact on U.S. industry. To be hosted by the American National Standards Institute on August 9–10, in Baltimore, Maryland, the event is open to all stakeholders, including industry, government, the scientific and technical communities, and other affected groups. The conference is a follow-up to a September 2006 event hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Outcomes of the conference are expected to include a conference report outlining problem statements, resources and recommendations for coordinated strategies and action plans, and the identification of existing applicable standards and compliance programs, as well as any areas where improvements may be needed.
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