Because of a growing movement in the health insurance industry toward not reimbursing hospitals for any expenses caused by a system-acquired infection, one health system made efforts to improve its infection rate starting in the last quarter of 2016. In June 2017, a year-over-year graph was presented to show progress to date.
Despite the impressive progress, there was obviously more work to do to eradicate these “should never happen events”:
The system consisted of five hospitals, and one analyst discovered monthly data for each all the way back to January 2015. He created the following graph (that I have dubbed a “copulating earthworm graph”), which for some strange reason executives (and many analysts) seem to love:
XmR as a replacement
"Thus, if you do not have advanced degrees in statistics, or if you simply have a hard time
determining if your counts can be characterized by a Binomial or a Poisson distribution, you can
still verify your choice of specialty chart for your count-based data by comparing the theoretical
limits with the empirical limits of an XmR" - Dr Wheeler
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