(CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL) -- In Agile Network Businesses: Collaboration, Coordination, and Competitive Advantage (CRC Press, an Auerbach Publication, 2017), author Vivek Kale enables IT managers and business decision makers to understand clearly what network businesses and enterprises are, what they can do for them, and how to realize them.
Customers in geographically dispersed markets are demanding higher quality products in a greater variety, at lower cost, and in a shorter time. Thus, enterprises have moved from a few centralized and vertically integrated facilities to geographically dispersed networks of capabilities, competencies, and resources, which are the core of network businesses. Enterprises are now constructing more fluid network businesses in which each member facility focuses on differentiation and relies increasingly on its partners, suppliers, and customers to provide the rest. Network businesses have emerged as an organizational paradigm for collaboration and coordination across loosely connected individual organizations.
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