(SICK: Minneapolis) -- Join SICK product experts in West Chester, Ohio, at the 2010 SICK Solutions Forum, June 23, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Cincinnati Marriott North Union Center to take part in hands-on product demonstrations and interactive displays as well as in-depth application and technology information seminars.
SICK, a global manufacturer of sensors, safety systems, machine vision, and automatic identification products for factory and logistics automation, has designed the forum to help attendees reduce costs, increase productivity, and enhance safety.
At each forum, registered visitors may select and attend up to six out of 18 one-hour seminars. These free seminars cover a wide range of industries and applications. See the topics quick list and schedule below.
For the seminar descriptions and to register online visit http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=836601 .
For questions regarding events, please call (952) 829-4888 or visit www.sickusa.com/solutionsforums.
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