Looking for a new factory to work with in China can be daunting. With pressures from poor rice production on the rise and labor throughout China unstable, more China-based manufacturers are closing shop every day.
For these reasons I think it’s an opportune time to review the key aspects and goals of performing a factory audit in China, either in regard to current suppliers that are underperforming, or as you are identifying new potential suppliers.
The pre-audit
Prior to a factory audit you will most likely be going through the process of supplier identification. This can include several aspects, such as contacting with factories by phone or e-mail, having factories complete questionnaires, and reviewing samples that have been manufactured by a factory and sent to you. It is a good idea to have any data you have collected during this pre-audit process organized and available during the audit.
Audit objectives
Make sure you know exactly what your objectives are before starting the audit. In general, the objective of any supplier-identification process (which often includes factory audit) is to identify a suitable manufacturing partner in China. If there are additional objectives based on your particular action plan, ensure they are documented and well understood by your team or third-party auditors.
Solutions through inspection and quality control
I find it interesting that there is little mention of manufacturing process scrutiny, which I consider vital. But this makes sense if you are selling inspection and quality control solutions. A process focus might put you out of business.
Poor Article
Andrew: Having performed hundreds of facility audits in China, I feel you have missed a very important point in your article. You mention QC or Quality Control. QC or Quality Control is only the inspection function within an overall Quality Management System (QMS). When you audit a facility you need to audit all aspects of the QMS, not just Quality Control which is about 10% of the QMS function by actual tasks. Also, you need to determne compliance or QMS registration to ISO 9001, or ISO 13485, etc. as just two examples and this is critical.
Also, in my opinion you should have mentioned getting trained in auditing and.... by the way.... the ASQ offers some excellent courses and certifications in auditing.
I found the article so laughable, that I shared it with the students in my Masters degree in Regulaltory Affairs class at Northeastern University here in Boston. Many of my students are Quality VP's, Directors and Managers and also 6 class members are managers from companies in China. The class concensus and mine as well, is that your background is in Manufacturing and Production, however, your background and understanding of Quality Management Systems, and auditing companies is very shallow. Which upon finding that article in Quality Digest was not good.
My opinion is that you should include the elements as mentioned above in your next paper or as an addendum to this article you just wrote.
Not all of this present article was bad and you did touch on some important issues. I aso think you writing style was good. However, an important concept also missed was that the ability to tranform product specifications into a Quality product is the result of the proper functioning of the QMS and not a lot of the other things you mentioned.
Very Best Regards,
Dick Barbieri,
Ashby, MA
Factory Audit in China
Hi Dick,
InTouch, my company, is a recognized leader in helping brands, importers and retailers get the very best quality (and work with the best factories) when buying from China. To attack this article so harshly is wrong. I can understand that you are coming at it from an ISO/Six Sigma style viewpoint, perhaps as quality control is "taught in the classroom". Fortunately, i never learned about quality in the classroom (that would have been way too boring!). I learned about it visiting hundreds of factories throughout Asia and US, helping brands and importers find suppliers who are the right fit and right quality level for their needs. Sure, if you are attempting to identify a factory from a detailed "manufacturer's technical level" prior going into a major joint venture, buying the facility, or setting up manufacturing from scratch, then what you are talking about is very important and one needs to take a more analytical view (which was not presented in my article). However, not to bust your bubble, but in working with some very large companies who are mainly interested in "sourcing" from China, the data we can present in our reviews (as outlined in my article) is exactly what they want (and need). The process has been highly successful for my clients and InTouch alike. Can you argue with that?
Not just checking documentations
You mentioned the point of review with the mangement on logistic management is good! However, I would like to comment that on Quality issue, security issue etc. also must review the related person. I dare to tell you most of the quality records in China are made for audits purpose instead of real performaning. Interview the quality staffs you shall know more. Interview the security guards you shall know more. Also, remember to observe how the factory receive you when you appear at the factory gate, you shall know whether they are really perform security procedure.
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