(CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL) -- The A3 format was developed by Toyota for telling the story of improvement. It provides a way of communicating a proposed idea or a problem on a single A3-sized sheet of paper, encouraging efficiency, clarity, and disciplined thinking. A3 problem solving identifies a problem, describes an objective, and summarizes fact finding and action steps.
In the preface of The A3 Workbook: Unlock Your Problem-Solving Mind (Productivity Press, 2010), author Daniel D. Matthews writes, “I realized that although there are some very good books on the market that discuss the A3, there was nothing that walked people block by block through the A3 format and how the problem-solving process fits in with each block. I also wanted to create a workbook that could be used at every level in the organization to develop the basic problem-solving skills that are required to make continuous improvements.”
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