How you want your bedroom to be an abode of peace and quietude. Alas, this simple dream seems so tough to achieve with the persistent and loud snoring noise that you generate every night. But why do people snore? As strange as it may seem to you right now, different people snore for different reasons – but the root cause is the same – every snorer breathes through the mouth! This is the only common factor that binds all snorers
Why do people snore? The basics
Breathing is a process not many of us pay any close attention to. Before the breathed-in air reaches the lungs, it passes through various organs and their muscles and tissues including the nose, throat, neck, tongue, soft palate and uvula.
Snoring starts with breathing through the mouth, instead of the nose. Why would anyone do that? Only when the nasal passage is blocked by an obstruction! Such obstructions could be caused by deviated septum, nasal congestion from cold or allergies, wrong sleeping posture, crookedness at the bridge of the nose; misaligned jaw bones; enlarged tongue or nasal turbinates and many more.
What happens when you breathe through the mouth? Why do people snore because of this? During sleep, all the muscles of the body are relaxed. The muscles of the areas directly involved with breathing are no exception. It could so happen that the tissues of the soft palate and uvula may get over-relaxed and collapse while the individual is sleeping. They could also vibrate. The noise of vibration of these tissues is what is popularly known as snoring. Hopefully, this explains, why people snore?
Why do people snore? Relationship between deviated septum and snoring
Of all the possible reasons related to why do people snore, deviated septum is most common. The deviation causes one nostril to get narrower than the other causing serious breathing problems compelling the person to use the mouth for breathing which eventually leads to snoring. This is why deviated septum and snoring are so closely linked.
Why do people snore? Some useful tips on how to get better sleep
Perhaps one of the most useful and effective tips on how to get better sleep is to get your snoring problem treated. There are plenty of snore remedies available including natural remedies, anti-snoring devices, etc. However, if you are looking for treatment for deviated septum and snoring, surgery to rectify and reposition the deviated septum could be the last and final option. The name of this surgery is somnoplasty, approved by FDA for the treatment of habitual snoring.
Some other tips on how to get better sleep relevant when you snore are:
• Weight loss – overweight people snore more
• Quit alcohol – alcohol relaxes the throat muscles too much causing them to collapse and vibrate
• Alter your sleeping posture from the back to the sides. This clears the nasal passage somewhat to ease normal breathing.
• Use an elevated pillow so that your head is in a raised platform. This could help with your snoring and provide good quality sleep.
Author Bio:
Marc MacDonald is an independent researcher who has spent considerable time and effort in studying and collating information about health-related concerns, specifically focused on sleep and nutrition.
He has written innumerable research reports on particular subjects like somnoplasty, becoming a vegetarian, becoming vegan, eating raw food, deviated nasal septum surgery, snoring remedies, and good night sleep techniques.
To learn more about this article's main topic, please visit his website: