Most of us set new resolutions every New Year. Whether it is losing weight, exercising more (always the top resolutions), or finishing a degree, we all recognize that a new year and the chance of a fresh start is a powerful combination to motivate us to achieve those goals. So why not apply the same factors to top management by setting New Year’s resolutions that will drive fundamental and needed improvements in your organization? If you agree, then let’s look at five resolutions that should be at the top of the list for any manager who seeks to finally move his organization a little closer to world-class quality.
The resolutions I propose go a step further from the average “we all need to improve” type of goals. These resolutions seek a fundamental change in your behavior as a leader and part of your organization’s management team so that deep-seated improvement can actually happen. Just like a person who wants to lose weight needs to change her behavior toward food, top management needs to implement these resolutions so that world-class quality can be achieved.
Let’s get started.
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