understand on a philosophical level that everyone owns “quality.” Much like safety, everyone has responsibility for following safe practices and calling attention to potentially unsafe conditions. However, there are also safety departments responsible for establishing safety policies and procedures, as well as conducting periodic safety inspections. They also report safety metrics such as “OSHA reportable” incidents and near misses. Members of the safety department keep current with the latest safety equipment, changes in the regulations, and benchmark against best industry practice. Management takes these reports and metrics quite seriously, because it is ultimately responsible for ensuring a safe work environment.
Obvious & Simple, but Missed
An obvious and simple point that is altogether missed in organizations: assign ownership to a system element for increased performance in multiple dimensions e.g. employee engagement & empowerment, compliance to standards & regulations, identifying opportunities for improvement, etc.
I will be circulating this article for my colleagues to consider how we plan and work.
Shrikant Kalegaonkar
twitter: shrikale
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