NSF International, an independent public health organization that tests and certifies a wide range of plumbing and drinking water treatment products, strongly supports the passage of the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act, which occurred on January 4. The legislation will significantly reduce the amount of lead allowed in plumbing products that contact drinking water.
NSF International applauds the government for harmonizing federal legislation with recently enacted state requirements and NSF standards. In 2008, Annex G was incorporated into NSF/ANSI Standard 61—“Drinking water system components—Health effects” and includes requirements limiting weighted average of lead content in plumbing products to 0.25 percent, the same as required by this new federal legislation. This legislation, which will take effect Jan. 4, 2014, now makes the federal law consistent with California lead-free legislation passed in 2006, amends the Safe Drinking Water Act’s definition of lead-free, and limits the maximum content of lead in plumbing devices so it’s consistent with the lead content requirements of NSF Standards.
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