Every year the government struggles to prepare a new military budget in the face of serious challenges with mandated reductions in our national defense. At an Air Force conference in Denver, Colorado, in November 2010, the deputy chief management officer for the Air Force spoke about the Air Force’s business transformation policy. The Air Force is challenged with recovering more than $23.8 billion from their defense budget this fiscal year. Simultaneously, operating costs will increase by 19 percent, the troop quality-of-life budget costs will increase by 16 percent, and defense health-care program costs are projected to double during the next decade. So how do we reduce billions of dollars in our military budget while improving our ability to meet the needs of the military in a time of war?
Conflicting models
There is probably a lot in what you say.
However, I think another aspect of the problem is incompatibility of business models (designed for moderated free markets) with battlefield realities (unmoderated in tactical terms, and strategically moderated in ways utterly unlike the constraints applying to business and/or economic event structures).
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