(Newport Corp.: Irvine, CA) -- Newport Corp., a global leader in lasers and photonics solutions that “Make, Manage and Measure Light,” has announced its new vacuum-compatible LTA series actuators and the URS50B rotation stage for research and industry. These products are compatible to 10 × e-6 hPa (7 × 10e-6 torr) vacuum and are designed for integration in critical sample positioning or beam-management processes in vacuum environments. These vacuum stages feature a motor-mounted encoder that is extremely useful in detecting the stall of a stepper motor because the stage is not accessible when installed inside a vacuum chamber. The encoder also offers improved position repeatability, a critical factor in many research and commercial applications in vacuum environments.
The LTAHSPPV6 and the LTAHLPPV6 actuators are extensions of the reliable LTA actuators (with nonrotating tips) and are rated at 10,000 hours MTBF. Compatible with other vacuum-compatible manual stages, both actuators provide submicron minimum incremental motion (MIM) and unidirectional repeatability.
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