(Elysium: Southfield, MI) -- With almost 250 participants already registered for the third annual Boeing/Northrop Grumman Global Product Data Interoperability Summit, the list of speakers has now been released (see below). Industry-leading aerospace, automotive, software, and IT experts will address the data and communications challenges and opportunities that arise in today’s multi-CAD, multisupplier environment.
The summit is of interest to anyone working in the computer-aided design/manufacturing/engineering and product life-cycle management areas who would like to join in discussions about best practices in data management and exchange as they apply to this year’s theme of “Enabling a Globally Integrated Supply Chain.” Registration is open until Oct. 15, 2011, for those wishing to attend the Chandler, Arizona event, which takes place Nov. 7–10, 2011, at the Crowne Plaza San Marcos. For further information or to register, contact event coordinator Elysium at annalise.suzuki@elysiuminc.com.
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