Lack of loyalty is a serious problem in organizations everywhere today. No longer do people join a company and devote the rest of their working lives to it. But neither are companies exactly known for offering up 30 or 40 years of employment, along with a gold watch and pension plan.
Times have changed. Businesses appear and disappear at a dizzying pace. So do the jobs they offer. People no longer expect to spend their entire career with the same company.
Organizations preoccupied with short-term, bottom-line thinking often view their employees as little more than resources to be hired, fired, and manipulated as the need arises.
Both sides pay a price for this lack of loyalty. Workers are naturally less happy on the job when they sense little or no loyalty from their employers. I agree with “Slow Leadership” blogger Carmine Coyote about how the negative impacts on productivity are truly alarming:
• People expect to be continually under threat of layoff, so they keep their resumes permanently on the market, changing jobs without concern for anything save their own short-term advantage.
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