(Wiley: Hoboken, NJ) -- We live in an age where healthy living and physical fitness are all the rage. Media of all types promote improving our physical well-being through a healthy lifestyle. But conspicuous by its absence is any encouragement to become “decision fit” so that we can deliberately make the best choices in our personal and business lives. Although our daily decisions largely determine whether we achieve the success we desire, we are seldom trained in this most important of skills.
Make Up Your Mind: A Decision-Making Guide to Thinking Clearly and Choosing Wisely (Wiley, 2012) provides techniques from author Hal Mooz’s proprietary system for decision making, Decision Fitness. This approach consists of three decision-making models:
• A Decision Type Model characterizes what is at stake with any decision.
• A Decision Solution Model frames the most suitable alternatives to choose from.
• A Decision Judgment Model provides 10 foundations for judging alternatives.
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