To effectively provide high-quality products, quality management must become part of each employee’s everyday thought processes. Market-leading companies can attest to the operational, branding, and bottom-line benefits of this approach. However, adopting an enterprisewide “how will this decision affect and improve quality mentality” is far more difficult than just sending out a memo. It must be strategically implemented into an organization’s culture over time.
The most efficient and successful examples of this are demonstrated by companies that have made quality initiatives an executive priority. Buy-in from the top works its way throughout the company until it’s ingrained in every worker, which is in contrast to traditional attempts at implementing quality via departmental silos. Support from the board of directors, in collaboration with the CEO and other executives, is critical for catalyzing cultural change and the viability of the initiative.
Below, I list specific steps board members, executives, and managers can take to propel their quality management initiatives forward.
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