Weighted average cycle time (Tcwa), also known as “average weighted cycle time,” provides a representative average cycle time (Tc) within a mixed model environment. Varied models or services in a given cell, line, or work area often have varied work contents due to different steps, duration of steps, sequence of steps, or other factors. Accordingly, the Tc(s) vary.
Tcwa can be calculated for operator cycle times, machine cycle times, and effective-machine cycle times. Often Tcwa is presumed to be operator-related, but this is not always the case.
As we endeavor to maintain a Tc that is less than or, at most, equal to takt time (Tt), mixed models and their varying work content will likely have Tc(s) for some products or services that are below Tt, and others that exceed Tt. Tcwa serves as an average proxy for Tc and can be the same as planned cycle time.
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