Effective leadership is the process of persuasion and example by which an individual induces a person or group to take action that is in accord with the leader’s purposes. It’s the art of letting people have your own way.
Keeping in mind the motivators that apply to specific generations, such as baby boomers, here are seven general motivators.
First: challenge. Most people, especially producers, crave a challenge. They get bored easily and seek new mountains to climb. When the leader can define and articulate vision, he is placing the challenge up front. The objective, painted in colors appealing and attractive, draws viewers into the picture, makes them participants, and unites them in efforts to make the picture better. Identifying the objectives to be reached, their benefits to everyone concerned, and explaining how a person’s participation is crucial will energize people to get involved. As a person grows in years and ability, her capacity for bigger challenges grows, too.
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