Is it Scrum or kanban? Yes, er, no. Well, it depends. Sometimes the road to process development takes a few unexpected turns.
In general terms, Scrum is a process framework for managing complex product development and typically associated with code development, while kanban, a pull-based scheduling system, is associated with manufacturing. But many work sectors use both of these methods successfully by adapting the tools to their particular company’s workflow. The media industry is no different.
The media industry is in as much turmoil as other business sectors, and the fairly recent transition from print to digital has all too often reduced best practices and process control to nothing short of triage. What to do then when your team gels enough to create the means and space for real improvement? For us at Quality Digest Daily (QDD), it has meant a redoubled effort at process development.
The answer is ...
... LOGISTICS ! Logistics still is one of the more neglected disciplines in systems' management or administration: it's high time that Logistics be not only forwarding, carrying and warehousing. Increasing outsourcing and suppliers' management and administration should give Logistics the place it deserves.
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