'Pssst! Hey kid, ya wanna be a metrologist?"..."Uh, what's a metrologist?"... "Ya get paid to measure stuff."..."Sounds kinda boring." So it goes at colleges and universities all across the United States.
The fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—collectively known as STEM—just don't seem to draw new students like business, social sciences, and history. Maybe the aspiring young academicians just aren't aware of the exciting career opportunities available to STEM field graduates. Let's take a lighthearted look at what STEM graduates may have to look forward to in their career futures.
Some lucky STEM graduates go on to work as metrologists. Besides sounding downright sexy as a career field, metrology has endless real-life applications, as the good folks at VSL (the National Metrology Institute of the Netherlands) illustrate in this hypnotic video:
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