Shortly after the death of the brilliant comedian and actor Robin Williams, his daughter Zelda quit Twitter and Instagram following online harassment over his death. How sad. We seem to somehow like to see the dark side of the world.
Even my three tennis buddies seem unable to keep from trash talking each other, even when the victim is their doubles partner! Their unbridled criticism goes far beyond each other’s game. They love to criticize other tennis players, the school system, the community, all levels of government, and all the people who receive government entitlements except for themselves, who, of course, have earned their share of them.
But they are not the only ones who tend to find in others offending behavior. We see Shia against Sunni, Democrats against Republicans, straights against gays, management against labor, and even today, whites against blacks. We seem to see differences everywhere and find the “other” offensive and even dangerous.
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