Delegating is often one of the hardest things for a manager to do. You give away your authority to make decisions but are still responsible for the outcome if something goes wrong.
Often managers don’t delegate because they hold one or more of these beliefs. Do any sound familiar?
“If you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself.”
“They don’t know how, and it’s not my job to train them.”
“They don’t want extra responsibilities.”
“They’ve already got too much to do.”
“It’s my job to do the thinking. It’s their job to do the work.”
“They will get the recognition instead of me.”
“If they do too much, I might be seen as dispensable.”
“If they do it wrong, it will reflect badly on me.”
“They might make mistakes that will harm the company.”
Does it seem like the risk is too great?
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