(Lean Frontiers: Indianapolis) -- What is it? It might not be Shark Week, but it’ll be just as exciting! Lean Leadership Week is made up of three events, taking place Oct. 5–9, 2015, near Jacksonville, Florida. The Summit on Lean Leadership is a stand-alone event held at One Oceans Resort, on Atlantic Beach, Oct. 5–6. Next comes the combined events of the Lean Accounting Summit and the Lean Management Summit at the Sawgrass Marriott, Oct. 8–9 on the outskirts of Jacksonville. Optional workshops will be held on Wednesday.
The benefit to you of these co-located events? Register for one summit and attend breakout sessions from either summit. Two summits for one fee.
Leadership summit
The Summit on Lean Leadership, Oct. 5–6, 2015, is a partnership between Lean Frontiers and The Lean Leadership Academy. The summit will focus on specific skills needed for the unique role of a lean leader, with plenty of opportunity to practice those skills. Be sure to include both established and emerging leaders in your lean organization.
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