For those awake enough to respond, please supply the Jeopardy question to this answer: “A computer system that won a million dollars in 2011 with access to 200 million pages of content, including the full text of Wikipedia.”
If you thought, “What is Watson?” you’d be correct as far as the computer’s 2011 persona goes. But the quiz-show star has been hard at work for the last five years, earning medical credentials and paying back the gargantuan investment its developer has lavished on it. Given its accelerated learning curve in medicine, finances, law, and other subjects, the computer is a lot smarter today than it was in 2011.
When you can process 500 gigabytes per second, or the equivalent of a million books, you like to keep busy. Meet Watson the clinical diagnostician, Watson the C-suite advisor, Watson the financial soothsayer, and Watson the creative chef.
Watson’s 2011 Jeopardy debut and win
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