The United State Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that $60 billion is lost annually from workplace injuries and illness. Using the administration’s $afety Pays Program calculator, 20 carpal tunnel syndrome injuries will cost a company $1,260,000 in direct and indirect costs. A single back injury would cost $101,933 total. This makes safety a prime target for risk analysis.
While safety programs have several names, they can be broken down into three broad approaches: 1) a linear approach where either human error or a mechanical failure causes the accident; 2) a systems approach that views accidents as more complex, where human error, mechanical failure, and the environment could all contribute; and 3) lean safety.
Although lean safety isn’t normally considered a safety approach because safety, employee involvement, and continual operational improvement are all linked in the Toyota Production System (TSP), the philosophy and associated approach make it a viable alternative to the other two approaches.
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