Bribery and corruption are a $1 trillion drain on the global economy and a door-shutting event for companies unable to prevent rogue acts from destroying a company’s entire reputation. If you think about it, managing bribery is a bit of an oxymoron. How do you manage something that hasn’t happened and you hope will never happen?
It’s like light bulbs: You only notice them when they burn out. Which can make things very, very dark for your company’s reputation and future business prospects. A single act of corruption anywhere in your organization can wipe out the trust you’ve worked so hard to build. Regaining that trust can be difficult, and in some instances, impossible.
Strong leadership and a visible commitment to ethical business practices are, historically, the primary business tools for preventing corruption. On the legal front, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)—instituted in the 1970s—is the big stick for prosecuting corrupt business activity. Many companies have anti-corruption programs to support FCPA compliance.
But how do ethical, socially responsible organizations become more proactive? Can this whole topic be embraced as an opportunity as opposed to a problem?
Now, the answer is yes. With ISO 37001, the new standard and certification program that puts the do into don’t.
Formulation of anti bribery in new ISO Standard
The new ISO 37001 Standard formulates steps against bribery is highly appreciable. I wish this new ISO standard is applicable to ISO itself or the organization shall get it paying a bribe. ECOSOC, U.N., ISO, IAF, JAS-ANZ- The Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand and NABCB - National Accreditation Board of India have no say about fake ISO 9001:2015 Certificates to GSI. These certificates are in use since 12-August-2016. When an ISO certificate can be obtained by paying a price for it. Detection of false certificate is concern of nobody, then what's the use of adaptation of ISO standardisation? An organisation can make propaganda of acquiring of set standardisation of ISO, without actual compliance of it.
No regulation about cancellation or withdrawal of forged ISO certificate distroy purpose of ISO's Standardisation. Please stop this well organised corruption.
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