In the following how-to, Greg Groth, Division Manager at Exact Metrology, explores the three steps of reverse engineering. Groth takes a dive into the due diligence questions that need to be asked before a job is started, and explores the technologies that can be used for data acquisition. And last, for the processing of data, Groth highlights some guidelines to obtain the best results.
Step 1: Determine intent
How will this image be used? Do I anticipate any changes? What are your tolerance requirements? All these questions are paramount in determining the successful path of the data output and each are mutually exclusive of one another.
Why do I care how it’s being used? After being in the 3D scanning service industry for more than 18 years, I find significant value in this simple question. Here’s why. When approaching a project of any magnitude, the ideal goal is to find the cleanest, clearest path with an optimal desired result. Not knowing the intended output can send a service tech down a long, inefficient path.
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