Winter Morning Sunrise, Tunnel View, Yosemite Valley
Credit: Chase Lindberg
Taking time off for vacation seems to be a diminishing phenomenon among U.S. workers. Each year, Americans fail to use 662 million vacation days, and with those days $236 billion in economic opportunity is lost, according to the U.S. Travel Association.
Aside from the economic impact, there are clearly personal benefits that accrue from time away from work. The American Psychology Association reports that “we emerge from a successful vacation feeling ready to take on the world again. We gain perspective on our problems, get to relax with our families and friends, and get a break from our usual routines.”
Increasingly, Americans are forfeiting vacation time—as many as 54 percent of us—citing reasons from “can’t afford” to “too busy.” Some worry about the work that will pile up while they’re gone, and others just want to make a good impression on their bosses.
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