In an era of volcanic Twitter accounts, devastating disruptions, seismic shifts toward de-globalization, and widespread corporate uncertainty, is your organization trapped in fear, or is it reaching out to the future? In short, are you “forwarding” your business?
Against the current backdrop, what can businesses learn from the spectrum of successes and failures that resulted from disruptive dynamics in the recent past?
Is your business on the edge of the cliff?
The comparison of Kodak with Fujifilm is worth examining.
The advent of digital cameras had crushed the core revenue engines of both businesses, whose historical success rested on selling camera film. How the two firms reacted was distinctly different.
Fujifilm addressed the existential threat by creating and unlocking new markets. It did this initially by reviewing and adapting its core capabilities in chemistry and materials science. This, in turn, led to its entry into the medical equipment, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and biomaterials sectors.
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