Before you drag out that dusty old treadmill, how about challenging yourself with something you can live with, some good habits that will dramatically improve your life? Here are some for work that you might consider implementing:
1. Schedule 20 minutes of solitude every day. And if that feels too aggressive, then start with 10 minutes. Put it on your calendar and abide by it. Use the time to sit quietly at your desk if circumstances permit; otherwise, find a quiet conference room or park bench. Do nothing during this time but breathe deeply and observe your thoughts as they drift by.
2. Take the stairs. At first you may arrive at meetings out of breath, but before you know it, you’ll be gliding up and down, your calves will be more toned, and your cardiovascular health will thank you for it.
3. Bring your lunch, at least sometimes. Studies have shown that the lunch you make at home will generally be healthier and more satisfying than what you grab at that place on the corner. Eat it slowly, preferably away from your desk. Find a friend to chat with, or use that time to reconnect with yourself and prepare for the afternoon ahead.
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