Do you seesaw back and forth, trying to manage polarities in your life and find the right balance?
There are a lot of seesaws you can get caught on: overcommitted—bored, trust too easily—distrustful, being agreeable—blowing up, overeating—dieting.
When the seesaw tips, our natural tendency is to try to rebalance. And often that is the best thing to do. Barry Johnson, author of the book, Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems (Amazon Digital Services, 2011), uses the metaphor of breathing to help explain how we naturally manage polarities. We breathe oxygen in and CO2 out. Without this natural rebalancing, we could not exist. Polarity management is about seeing the polarities, recognizing warning signs that you’re heading toward the downside, and moving toward the upside of the opposite pole. This is an excellent way of rebalancing before you get too out of balance and a helpful way to solve complex problems.
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