Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) career outreach programs play a pivotal role in shaping the capabilities and makeup of the future workforce. Generally speaking, “STEM outreach” involves organizing events, both in and out of school, where we can encourage and inspire young people to consider pursuing careers in STEM by improving awareness and building STEM literacy. Attracting youth to STEM fields and retaining them, especially young women and minorities, requires the support of parents, teachers, role models (like me!) and professional organizations.
When I’m doing outreach, students and parents often ask what made me decide to pursue a career in STEM. My answer is simple: I was exposed early on to the endless opportunities that having a STEM degree affords you. My parents, both of whom were nuclear engineers at Westinghouse, seized every opportunity they could find to get me and my siblings I involved in STEM. They were determined to get at least one of their children to follow in their footsteps. From computer camps to science museums to participating in “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day,” we were constantly meeting STEM professionals and learning about different career paths.
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