In my previous article, I discussed the merits and cautions of the “acceptance number” equal zero (c=0) sampling plans contained within AS9138. A simple formula was provided to determine appropriate sample size, and it was illustrated that twice the inspection does not provide twice the consumer protection. Although there is an undeniable emotional appeal to implement sampling procedures that have an acceptance number of zero, readers must not jump to the conclusion that c=0 sampling procedures provide better consumer protection at the designed lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD) point.
In this article the merits and limitations of MIL-STD-105 will be illustrated, and its link to process control will be demonstrated. Before discussing the technical merits of MIL-STD-105, its impressive evolution deserves some recognition.
Using MIL-STD-105 As A Process Control Procedure
Surprised a guy from RIT didn't work-in Dr. Schilling's name as a huge contributor to Acceptance Sampling techniques.
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