This Thursday, for the first Thanksgiving in decades, I won’t be watching football, drinking beer, and stuffing myself into oblivion. Instead, I’ll be serving the homeless, giving clothes, and making myself useful.
Thanksgiving is always a time to give thanks—I mean, it’s right there in the holiday’s name. This year, however, for those of us in northern California, the act of being grateful has taken on previously unimaginable dimensions.
For those of you who don’t know, Quality Digest’s studio and office are in the city of Chico, about 75 miles north of Sacramento. More pertinently, we’re fewer than 10 miles from Paradise, which, as of Nov. 8, 2018, was home to 27,000 residents, including three members of the QD team—editorial director Taran March, account manager Christopher Martin, and our close partner Chris Smith, owner of Rocketspots.tv and producer of our video content. A fourth, editor Laurel Thoennes, lived in one of the canyons just off the ridge on which Paradise sat.
You are a great example of humanity
Mike, I am thankful you spent your time doing good for others. Sorry your team had so much misfortune. You all are great examples of what we humans can be if we try.
Thanks Richard,
The thing that stands out the most at times like this is that rich or poor, blue or red, liberal or conservative, when push comes to shove all those differences go out the window and everybody does what they can to help. The response to all the evacuees from the Camp Fire has been.... beyond words. The things we have seen people, small business, large businesses, do has been amazing. People are people and we need to help each other... we do.
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