Leaders are called to look beyond current conditions. That doesn’t mean we have a crystal ball or overlook today’s reality. It means we have to ask, “What’s next for our organization?” That’s not always easy, particularly in the midst of turmoil, yet it’s essential.
As evidence of the importance of looking beyond, consider recent findings from Gallup.
For more than 80 years, Gallup has studied people and organizations during times of crisis. The organization has observed perspectives dating back to the Great Depression and continuing through Covid-19. Its research suggests that in times of crisis, there are two directions in which human nature can pull people: toward fear or toward self-actualization and engagement.
On the engagement front, when leaders present a clear path forward, people demonstrate great resilience. There’s a rallying effect as we pull together toward a common vision to move beyond crisis. That’s why mission and vision for the future are more important in organizations today than any time in recent memory.
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