You feel like you need to prioritize. That is a cry for help. And prioritization isn’t the help you need.
At this point, any act of prioritizing is a small bandage on a very large wound. You can, and probably should, still do it, but it will give you only momentary relief.
Politics, silos, poor workflow, not understanding customer needs, low morale, conflicting projects, over-commitment, overload, bottlenecks, lack of respect, and so much more can be among your root causes for your “prioritization crisis.”
I’ve visited many clients who asked for prioritization and were at first annoyed when I sleuthed out the underlying cause and suggested we work on it. Over the years, this led to a longish list of perspectives which you see below. All in all, nine different contexts with three different perspectives… 27 different ways to look at your upcoming work and sleuth out what is really stopping you.
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