Be seen by manufacturing professionals worldwide—Submit your B2B press release now. It's always free.
Quality Digest is dedicated to publishing press releases specifically targeting the manufacturing community. Connect your story with your most relevant stakeholders—for free.
Do you already have your press release ready to go? Then just fill out the form to send us your press release. Approved press releases will appear in both the Quality Digest newsletter and in the News column on our home page. Submissions should be a Word Doc (doc or docx), PDF, or text file with images embedded. Use the "Upload Files Here" button to choose your file.
Hi, I'm Christopher Martin, marketing strategist at Quality Digest. If you're not quite ready with your press release, have questions, or would rather send your documents directly to me, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm always happy to help.
530-893-4095, option 2