Many people think they can’t say no on the job. They tell me, “It’s just not acceptable.” They say it’s because they work in a “can do” culture. Or, they work for a boss who is pure evil. They’re afraid they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t try to do everything humanly possible to bring in one more client, finish up one last project before heading home... or take on a role that really isn’t their strong suit, but, hey, they will give it a try, even if it’s a lost cause.
Why do we say yes to something when maybe we shouldn’t?
I understand this hesitation. For the past two decades, we have lived in a “now!” culture, and saying no is rarely part of that vibe. And it’s true that any number of horrible things might happen if you say no. So maybe that’s why you say yes even when it’s not a good idea to do so.
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