(CIMdata: Ann Arbor, MI) -- CIMdata, a leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, has released the 2023 CIMdata CAM Market Analysis Report (MAR), the 31st annual study of the global computer-aided machining (CAM) market. CIMdata estimates that, based on end-user payments, the worldwide CAM software and related services market grew by 8.1% during the calendar year 2022. The estimated end-user payments grew from just over $2.4 billion in 2021 to nearly $2.6 billion in 2022.
According to Stan Przybylinski, CIMdata’s vice president, “The CAM results at the end-user level grew faster in 2022 than in 2021, regaining more of the progress lost due to the economic impacts of Covid-19. In 2022, machine tool consumption stalled after a strong year in 2021. This is important because acquiring new machine tools often leads to investments in new CAM software.”
CIMdata projects that in 2023, the CAM market and the entire product life cycle management economy will continue to grow. CIMdata estimates end-user payments for CAM software will increase by 7.2% to just under $2.8 billion.
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