Credit: Muboshgu
Life goals. Bucket lists. “One day I’ll ....”
We all have dreams and goals. The biggest difference between people who achieve them and those who don’t is the act of actually doing. Do you have goals and things you want to achieve? Professional aspirations? Personal bucket list items?
Let me ask this: What’s stopping you from starting on them?
I don’t tend to get motivational on this blog. (Every time someone asks me if I’m a motivational speaker, I can’t help but think of that Saturday Night Live Chris Farley skit). But today I’m serving up a little motivation, Yoda-style.
Luke whined, “All right. I’ll give it a try.”
The Yoda Fountain at Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic at the Letterman Digital Arts Center in San Francisco’s Presidio. Credit: Muboshgu
Yoda gave Luke an attitude adjustment “No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.”
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