One of the most concerning uncertainties surrounding the emergence of artificial intelligence is the impact on jobs. Human jobs.
Innovation and progress are cornerstones of mankind. From the invention of the wheel to machine learning, the effect on our lives transcends generations and influences how we evolve, or devolve, throughout time. As with any technological innovation, there are ripple effects within labor markets. But artificial intelligence is more like a tsunami, possessing unprecedented forces to generate gigantic shifts within our labor pool.
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To survey the macro socioeconomic impact of artificial intelligence on certain labor markets, let us start with a specific example: the customer support specialist. Yes, let’s put a picture in our minds of this individual—and for now, let it be human. Imagine that person, smiling at a computer screen at a desk. You can hear chatter in the background like rainfall on a glass window—other support specialists. The voice on the other end of the line has an accent, yet there is one universal tone—friendliness.
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