If you could experience the perfect workday, what would you be doing? Have you ever taken the time to think about it?
Whether you’re an entrepreneur climbing the corporate ladder or you’re selling donuts out of the back of your car, it’s essential to pause and reflect periodically on the work you’re doing.
We can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day, checking off items on our to-do list, that one day we look up and wonder where we are.
Why are we doing what we’re doing? How’d we get here?
Our work evolves over the weeks, months, and years as we grow our businesses, get promoted, or change roles. If we forget to notice how we feel about our work as we evolve and grow as professionals, we might end up feeling empty or unfulfilled.
The more your workdays reflect your current needs and desires, the more satisfied you’ll be. And the only way we can make sure we do this at every stage of our journey is to pause, reflect, and recalibrate.
How? With the Perfect Workday Exercise.
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