I’ve been dabbling in AI (or ChatGPT as some of you may call it) for about eight months. I’ve used it to strengthen blog titles, make content “punchier,” and help me get some creative juices flowing.
However, by far my favorite thing to do with it is to ask it to explain a complex topic to a 5-year-old. From bias to creative avoidance, this tactic has given me a stronger foundation from which to share ideas with others.
There has been one concept I’ve hesitated to ask it to explain, partly because I thought (in full transparency) it might do a better job than me, and my pride would be hurt.
My curiosity got the best of me yesterday, and I finally worked up the courage to ask ChatGPT to “Explain work-life balance to a 5-year-old.”
The exact response it gave me
Hey there, kiddo! Today, let’s talk about something super important called “work-life balance.” Now, you might be wondering, what on earth is that? Well, it’s all about finding a good balance between our work or jobs and the other fun things we do in our lives.
Nice note, but one disagreement
I liked most of this, but I disagree that the pizza analogy is good. It would be OK except for the "different toppings on each slice"...only a computer would think that is even an option.
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