You’re in an early-stage hardware startup or a tinkerer in a toolshed with a product design set to shake up the market. Not sure how to turn your idea into a product? Here’s a step-by-step guide to the product development journey. From the initial design sketched out on paper to the final product in your hand, every decision counts. This article will help you avoid costly mistakes and accelerate the process of bringing your product to market.
Instead of just listing the steps, I’ll explain the entire process through a case study of my motorized robot grip project. A gripper is what lets robots grab, hold, and shift stuff around. The journey to create one includes steps like designing, prototyping, making the actual product, checking its quality, and of course, putting it to the test. But remember, making a product isn’t always a straight path. For example, after designing you build a prototype. Feedback from that prototype might prompt you to rethink and tweak your design. This cycle might repeat several times before reaching the final product.
1. Design
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