Photo by Anderson Schmig on Unsplash
We take ourselves too seriously, and in doing so we become boring and no fun. Sometimes it’s OK to let loose, act silly, and have a good time. It’s energizing.
So often we while away the days being the consummate professional. We read professional journals. We write professional messages. We hold professional meetings. We wear professional clothes. Sometimes we push the limits and read semiprofessional blogs like this one (which is a wonderful little guilty pleasure).
Unfortunately, this professionalism bleeds over into everything we do. Professionalism eventually becomes the ultimate buzzkill. And once that happens, life sucks.
Allow me to illustrate. My son’s school stages a huge outdoor games event at the end of the year. There’s a picnic, games, blow-up climbing thingies, etc. Parents are invited. Here’s the first rub: It occurs during the day, so a lot of parents don’t attend due to work. For some, that’s a reasonable reason to miss the event. For others who have flexibility, it’s a lame excuse.
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