(Minitab Inc.: State College, Pennsylvania) — A new, complimentary e-book will help companies get a jump-start when implementing Six Sigma programs.
Quality Companion—Getting Started provides an excellent introduction to Minitab’s process improvement software. “Quality Companion is an ideal tool for managing a Six Sigma program and this new guide is designed to help users be more immediately productive,” says Cate Twohill, product marketing manager for Minitab.
The guide’s story-based approach shows how Quality Companion makes common Six Sigma tasks easier to manage. Readers play the role of an online book retailer with a history of customer complaints regarding late deliveries. The task is to reduce late deliveries—and improve customer satisfaction.
“The book leads you through the steps you might take to begin, manage, and complete this quality improvement project using features in Quality Companion,” Twohill says.
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