(ANSI: New York) -- Two months remain for the nomination of documents that will be included in this year’s survey of Standards That Make a Difference.
First organized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 2002, the survey compiles information about standards that are “making a difference” in today’s ever-changing global marketplace.
“Standards play a major role in many aspects of our daily lives—from decisions consumers make when purchasing products for the home to societal issues such as environmental protection, and from the competitive concerns of business in today’s marketplace to the government’s role in protecting the public interest,” said Stacy Leistner, ANSI director of communications and public relations. “ANSI invites those who develop standards—and those who use them—to identify the documents that they believe are having the greatest impact on business, government or society.”
Each entry should clearly identify the standard (or family of standards) selected and explain why the document(s) is/are important (e.g., how it relates to and focuses on business or consumer issues). Qualifying entries will be displayed publicly during the World Standards Week 2008 activities; entries will also be featured on ANSI Online.
Nominations may include American National Standards, standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), or any other domestic, regional or international body—including consortia. Each entry must refer to a standard that is already published and in use in the marketplace; standards that are still a work in progress will be excluded from this survey.
Every eligible entry will be entered into a random drawing for one of three $100 American Express Gift Cards. The drawing will be held at the conclusion of the ANSI Annual Business Meeting during World Standards Week 2008, in Bethesda, MD. Entries will be published on ANSI Online and displayed during World Standards Week.
The deadline for submission is Friday, September 19, 2008. For more information, contact ANSI’s communications team at pr@ansi.org.
For more information, visit www.ansi.org/news_publications/news_story.aspx?menuid=7&articleid=1898.
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