Pivotal Resources and Ideas@Work, a Belgium-based consultancy, have announced a strategic alliance that will expand Pivotal Resources’ services in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Initially, the alliance will focus on bringing Pivotal Resources’ open enrollment Six Sigma Green Belt, Black Belt and Champion training to the market. Intended for individuals and small groups, the program teaches skills and practical knowledge through a series of fast-paced, interactive workshops. The program will be offered in Brussels on the following dates: Champion training, Oct. 18; Green Belt/Black Belt week one, Oct. 18–21; Green Belt/Black Belt week two, Nov. 22–25; Black Belt week three, Dec. 12–16.
Ideas@Work specializes in process and project management, helping mid- to large-sized companies to design, improve and implement their business processes. Pivotal Resources is a leader in lean Six Sigma strategy and implementation.
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