China’s National Development and Reform Commission has adopted EtherNet/IP as a machinery industry standard for that country.
EtherNet/IP is one of the network technologies that composes the family of networks built on the Common Industrial Protocol, and extends interoperability among devices from multiple vendors. ControlNet, another member of the CIP network family, was already adopted by the NDRC to standardize the Chinese machinery industry. ODVA, an international association of automation companies, reports that the adoption of EtherNet/IP by the NDRC will spur significant growth of the industrial market in China.
“This action, by one of the world’s leading technology countries, affirms the confidence that both industry and governments have placed in this proven technology,” says Katherine Voss, ODVA executive director. “Standard unmodified EtherNet and Internet technologies will play a critical role in achieving continuous productivity improvement in automation applications, and for integrating those applications with the enterprise.”
ODVA is on the Web at
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