(Aveta Solutions LLC: Cleveland) -- As Barack Obama takes office, the weight of many Americans will be on his shoulders over the next four years. Many expect to see the changes instantly in their lives. They expect employment to increase dramatically, their tax liabilities to be reduced, the stock market to skyrocket, and perhaps even have a check waiting for them in their mailbox.
Unfortunately, reality cannot be escaped. The United States has much work to do before it can begin to reverse their current course caused by decades of fiscal irresponsibility. Private companies have already begun to streamline their operations to survive what could be an economic depression. The results of this have been showing up recently in the business improvement sector.
Searches for the term “Six Sigma certification” in Google have been up more than 25 percent according to Google Trends. Similar results have been seen for the terms “lean Six Sigma,” “Six Sigma training,” and “Six Sigma Black Belt.”
“Individuals that have skills in reducing waste within an organization are in high demand right now,” says Craig Setter, president of Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online. “We have seen a growing demand in the range of 25-35 percent since the recession has begun.”
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